12 April 2023

What can wearables do for healthcare?

Wearables are devices, like your smart watch. They have various sensors, which collect data, for example for your bike ride or run. But wearables are also gaining a foothold as an in healthcare as applied technology, thanks to smart sensors and data platforms. So what if you can use everyday wearables for healthcare purposes? That's what the new episode of AI Garage is all about.

Giving a voice to patients

Wearables can be deployed with a monitoring function; you collect data to understand a person’s state or condition. But smart monitoring can also signal, and this is particularly useful in cases where the patient is unable to self-report problems. Indeed; with the datasets we have, we may also be able to signal and predict health issues early. In the project 'From Sensors to Care', the possibilities of wearables are being explored.

Multidisciplinary research team

A demand for a technical application in healthcare requires more than just a healthcare or ICT expert. That is why a multidisciplinary team is working together within this project. Petra Heck and Evenlien van de Garde work at Fontys ICT and project leader Manon Schaap-Peters at Fontys Paramedic. Because the use of personal data raises additional questions, Noortje Lavrijssen has also joined the project from the Faculty of Law. Together, they are exploring the possibilities.

All four engage in a conversation with host Erdinç Saçan in the latest episode of AI Garage. You can listen to it here!

The podcast AI Garage is an initiative of Fontys ICT, the lectorate AI & Big Data and the Knowledge Centre Applied AI for Society. Erdinç Saçan is the regular host. Got a good topic for our next episode? Get in touch with Guido Segers.

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