Minor Data Driven Business Lab

This project is a group assignment for the Data-Driven Business Lab minor at Fontys University. A team of three people will work ...

Blueriq wants an algorithm that can predict the lead time of application cases in the (semi) goverment sector

After a previous cancellation of a prescribed Fontys Partner project due to legal reasons, we were free to create our own path ...

At the moment, the MarCom-department of FH-ICT uses several social media accounts. They actively use their Facebook, Instagram, ...

How can sensordata, collected in public spaces, help gemeente Eindhoven to raise data acceptance among the citizens of Eindhoven ...

During the semester we started this sideproject with the formula 1 game. Our main focus was to research what data we could get out ...

Main question: "How can data produced on Hauzer machines be used to increase the value for the customers?" ...

Our project was focused on creating an information provision of operational activity reporting which is less error-prone and ...

Our project group consists of 4 students with varying educational backgrounds and nationalities. Sara is from Spain, the others ...

The Transpiler Project is focused on using natural language processing (NLP) in order to automate or help assist the process of ...

Our goal was to use data to create an entertaining experience for the World Cup audience and tell the story of the competition.