Fontys ICT InnovationLab News

Find out about all the news and developments that take place at the Fontys ICT InnovationLab.

13 October 2022
Hybrid learning requires a culture and mindset shift from education and the workplace
Hybrid learning requires a culture and mindset shift from education and the workplace

Since 2018, the Fontys ICT InnovationLab can be found at Strijp T, in the middle of an ecosystem of innovative companies. The ...

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12 October 2022
Are robots the answer for the growing demand in healthcare?
Are robots the answer for the growing demand in healthcare?

Technology is frequently seen as the go-to solution for societal challenges. Healthcare is no exception. Yet the deployment of ...

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21 September 2022
Taking faster product photos with artificial intelligence
Taking faster product photos with artificial intelligence

We often think of complex issues and technological challenges when we think of applications of AI, but sometimes it is much ...

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19 September 2022
Are we ready for intelligent buildings?
Are we ready for intelligent buildings?

Imagine arriving at a workplace, where everything is automatically set to your preferences. Or a home that automatically detects ...

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