Fontys ICT InnovationLab News

Find out about all the news and developments that take place at the Fontys ICT InnovationLab.

13 July 2022
Countering sedentary behaviour in hospitals with games
Countering sedentary behaviour in hospitals with games

When you end up in the hospital, you often spend a lot of time in your bed. A visit to the recreation room or a walk to the toilet ...

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13 July 2022
How do you enable eye tracking in VR applications?
How do you enable eye tracking in VR applications?

Our relationship with media is becoming more direct thanks to new technology. We have come a long way from the one-way route of ...

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12 July 2022
Game Design students take internship at their own game studio
Game Design students take internship at their own game studio

The hit of the Night of the Nerds event in the Fontys ICT InnovationLab was the first game that students could play upon entering; ...

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12 July 2022
Students get kids to move with intelligent exergames
Students get kids to move with intelligent exergames

Growthmoves is a consortium formed in 2020 to encourage movement in elementary school children. Simply put, they sit on their ...

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